Monday, September 9, 2024

2024 Erie Weekend

Dan was running the Erie Marathon in September 2024, and Lady Adventurer came along for the ride. On the way, we stopped at Markko Vineyard in Conneaut to reminisce about that scary place. It seemed haunted last time, which was about 12 years ago. Not so much now, but still disturbing is that the wines - especially the chardonnays, weren't as good as we remember them.

Erie itself was nice. After the race, we returned to Presque Isle on a blustery day. Michigan's slogan, 'if you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you' could apply here as well.

Presque Isle

Presque Isle

Presque Isle

Presque Isle

The old spoof about the Kennedy Family had a skit where one diplomat ordered a western sandwich, causing another diplomat from an Eastern nation to request an eastern sandwich. When he was told that there was no such thing, he then asked for the eastern portion of the other's western sandwich. I think about this because we also visited wineries in Pennsylvania after the run. One was in the Western part of North East. Yes, North East is the name of the town not far from Erie, where there are several wineries. Some of those were in the western part of North East. And one of those is called Courtyard Winery, and it was actually better than we remembered it to be. It won the day for us.

On the way back home, we stopped for walks in Ashtabula (Walnut Beach) and Geneva on the Lake.

Walnut Beach in Ashtabula

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